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Project ELAN: Upscaling Vianode’s innovative synthetic graphite production technology for a responsible electrification of Europe

Project ELAN will bring Vianode’s unique graphitization technology to commercial scale in Europe. This will set a new global standard for the sustainable production of synthetic graphite anode materials.

Set up of Vianode’s large-scale European production facility in Frier Vest, Norway Producing synthetic graphite anode materials for around 800.000 EVs per year EUR 90 million EU innovation fund grant


Strategic objectives:

  • Fill supply/demand gap for anode materials in Europe
  • Supply premium quality graphite produced in the cleanest possible way
  • Supply key materials to scale the emerging EU battery value chain
  • Build European industrial leadership and contribute to strategic autonomy
  • Avoid 6.6 million tons of CO₂ over 10 years
  • Creation of 700 jobs plus additional 4.000 during the construction phase


What does ELAN stand for?

ELAN is defined as a “combination of style and energetic confidence or speed, especially in a performance or someone’s behavior” in English. In French, prendre son élan is all about gaining speed to leap forward. The Project acronym perfectly reflects the speed to market and scale that Vianode seeks to achieve while connecting with the role of the company to spread green energy in society through batteries (el- for electricity; -an for anodes). On a more humorous note, ELAN is also French for the animal Moose, which reminds of the Norwegian heritage and home of 150.000 moose.


Project news

Vianode signs lease agreement with Frier Vest

Vianode selected for grant award from EU Innovation Fund



Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.